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Group Meditations
The Goddess Spiral CD
Sexual Healing Meditations

Meditations of the Goddess

Meditation is a spiritual method that has been used in many cultures throughout history. Meditation can be a form of prayer, visualization, an intention or an activity of conscious feeling. There are certain methods to do specific meditations, however it is important to incorporate meditation into one's personal lifestyle on a daily basis in order to heal and be more energetically balanced, and thus being a living embodiment of the goddess and god archetypes.


Meditation activates a double vortex within ones energy body, known as a toroidal field, which can expand the auric field. With daily meditation practice and balanced free will intent, the goddess presence anchors more through the energy body and so on the planet. Sisterhood of the Rose groups who gather together are able to use their shushumna energy channel , to receive the rays from the galactic central sun as well as light from our light family who assist us from above and below the surface of the planet.


This page has a list of meditations which can assist in the spiritual development and anchoring of the goddess energy within your life.

Return of the Goddess CD

Return of the Goddess CD
वीडियो खोजें...
Isis & Cobra - The Goddess Spiral Meditations (Full Album)

Isis & Cobra - The Goddess Spiral Meditations (Full Album)

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The Goddess Spiral - Golden Spiral Meditation - Medwyn Goodall, Cobra & Isis

The Goddess Spiral - Golden Spiral Meditation - Medwyn Goodall, Cobra & Isis

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The Goddess Spiral - The Central Sun Meditation - Medwyn Goodall, Cobra & Isis

The Goddess Spiral - The Central Sun Meditation - Medwyn Goodall, Cobra & Isis

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The Goddess Spiral - Return of the Goddess Meditation - Medwyn Goodall, Cobra & Isis

The Goddess Spiral - Return of the Goddess Meditation - Medwyn Goodall, Cobra & Isis

वीडियो चलाए

Healing Sexual Programming


1. Note: pen and paper required

In your own way come into a relaxing state of consciousness. (You can do this by visualizing a brilliant white light entering your shushumna energy channel on an inhale and exhaling that brilliant white light into your surroundings)


2. Begin to write on one side of a piece of paper "sex is love" while feeling that truth with your emotions. 


3. In the second column, write "sex is not love" while feeling that truth with your emotions.


4. Repeat this writing of "sex is love", "sex is not love" for several minutes, alternating between the two while feeling what you write as complete truth, connecting with your emotions.


Note: Many women were programmed for sex only with love while men were programmed for sex without love. Neither are divine truth...this technique is used to heal the sexual programming by confusing the navel biochip implant.  







Merging the Heart & Sexual Energy Meditation

1. Relax your body and watch your breath for a few moments.


2. Visualize a brilliant white light entering your physical body and all energy bodies as you inhale, then exhale that white light into your surroundings.


3. Now visualize a soft pink rose bud in your heart chakra. As you breathe that rose starts to bloom. Keep doing this for a few minutes.


4. Visualize a red rose at your intimate area. As you breathe that rose starts to bloom. Keep doing this for a few minutes.


5. As you inhale, the sexual energy of the red rose is rising up your energy channels to the pink rose at your heart chakra.


6. As you exhale, visualizing the loving, healing energy of the pink rose descend into the red rose at your intimate area creating a loop of energy. Repeat this for a few minutes.



Goddess Vortex Meditation


1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise

2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronouced like e in Venus) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light.


3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few moments, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise.

4. While doing that, start singing mantra

eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.



5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.



Return of the Goddess Meditation


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.


2. Visualize a pillar of pink Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a loving feminine presence in the shape of a beautiful Goddess descending from the sky and entering your physical body. This presence will harmonize your inner woman and make you more loving. Stay united with that presence for a while.


3. Visualize a bright new spiritual future for humanity, with men and women in perfect understanding, with our society growing beyond wars and conflicts as all dark entities, physical and non-physical, are removed from our planet. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed; all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source, in a perfect balance of their inner male and female aspects.




Return of the Goddess

Return of the Goddess

अब देखिए
Goddess Vortex Meditation

Goddess Vortex Meditation

अब देखिए
Sexual Healing Meditation

Sexual Healing Meditation

अब देखिए
Buddhic Column

A Buddhic column is a permanent column of Buddhic fire, linked into the planetary network. It is a very useful technique to create a Light vortex in a location which assists the Light Forces to liberate this planet.

It can be built when a person is present at the location, or remotely when a group of people are doing it together.

It can also be made as large as is necessary to cover a specific location, even a whole city.

The following 13 locations are of upmost importance (daily):


Please feel free to meditate on any of the above locations you feel drawn to



Buddhic Column Meditation

Buddhic Column Meditation
वीडियो खोजें...
Buddhic Column - Guided Meditation

Buddhic Column - Guided Meditation

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Budični stolp - vodena meditacija / Buddhic Column Meditation (Slovenian)

Budični stolp - vodena meditacija / Buddhic Column Meditation (Slovenian)

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Буддхическая Колонна Света - Аудио-руководство (Buddhic Column Meditation (Russian)

Буддхическая Колонна Света - Аудио-руководство (Buddhic Column Meditation (Russian)

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Stâlp Budic – Meditatia ghidata Audio / Buddhic Column (Romanian)

Stâlp Budic – Meditatia ghidata Audio / Buddhic Column (Romanian)

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YouTube Channel
A Goddess Calling to Unite - ENGLISH Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

A Goddess Calling to Unite - ENGLISH Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

Anchor the loving divine feminine energies on Gaia with this Sisterhood of the Rose meditation/invocation to create a Goddess circle to unite in oneness! For information on Sisterhood of the Rose, please visit: Instructions: Please make yourself comfortable. Take three deep breaths. As you breathe in, imagine a Goddess circle or group starting to gather. Visualize your surroundings. Imagine these scenes and wonderful energies for a few moments. Seeing all who gather, we smile from deep within our hearts. Enjoy these feelings and emotions of love and joy for a few moments. Now, imagine clasping one another’s hands. Feeling a deep love and knowing that we are uniting with members of our soul families. We have waited many lifetimes for these reunions. We now visualize our star brothers and sisters who may be in, on or above Gaia. We acknowledge their presence with deep love and gratitude. We feel their love and anticipation as they join us in our circle. We feel the energies of the Goddess naturally expanding as we unite. We integrate these loving warm energies by taking three deep breaths. Visualize a pillar of beautiful pink light emanating from the Galactic Goddess, Pleroma signaling the Goddess’ love and joy in the forming of our Goddess circle. We ask for this pink Goddess light to enter our physical bodies. We are now one anchoring the loving divine feminine energies on Gaia. As our loving Goddess energies build, we send them out to Gaia and all living beings. Imagine these loving energies for a few moments while taking three deep breaths. Now, call your higher selves, your I AM presence to join and merge with you. As we are joined in our circle, the energies of our now collective I AM presences are very beautiful and strong. We may not have felt these energies in a long time or not within our memories. Feel these emotions as this powerful loving energy integrates within us. As we are joined in our Goddess circle, we ask that these energies ground us and unite us further into oneness. Please sit with these powerful loving energies for a while as we send out our love and gratitude. Knowing there will be many Goddess circle gatherings with our soul families, we now center ourselves carrying the loving energies of unity and oneness. We hug and kiss one another. So be it and so it is! Meditation written and narrated by Laura/Sisterhood of the Rose USA-California
Sisterhood of the Rose
A Goddess Calling to Unite - ENGLISH Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

A Goddess Calling to Unite - ENGLISH Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

Anchor the loving divine feminine energies on Gaia with this Sisterhood of the Rose meditation/invocation to create a Goddess circle to unite in oneness! For information on Sisterhood of the Rose, please visit: Instructions: Please make yourself comfortable. Take three deep breaths. As you breathe in, imagine a Goddess circle or group starting to gather. Visualize your surroundings. Imagine these scenes and wonderful energies for a few moments. Seeing all who gather, we smile from deep within our hearts. Enjoy these feelings and emotions of love and joy for a few moments. Now, imagine clasping one another’s hands. Feeling a deep love and knowing that we are uniting with members of our soul families. We have waited many lifetimes for these reunions. We now visualize our star brothers and sisters who may be in, on or above Gaia. We acknowledge their presence with deep love and gratitude. We feel their love and anticipation as they join us in our circle. We feel the energies of the Goddess naturally expanding as we unite. We integrate these loving warm energies by taking three deep breaths. Visualize a pillar of beautiful pink light emanating from the Galactic Goddess, Pleroma signaling the Goddess’ love and joy in the forming of our Goddess circle. We ask for this pink Goddess light to enter our physical bodies. We are now one anchoring the loving divine feminine energies on Gaia. As our loving Goddess energies build, we send them out to Gaia and all living beings. Imagine these loving energies for a few moments while taking three deep breaths. Now, call your higher selves, your I AM presence to join and merge with you. As we are joined in our circle, the energies of our now collective I AM presences are very beautiful and strong. We may not have felt these energies in a long time or not within our memories. Feel these emotions as this powerful loving energy integrates within us. As we are joined in our Goddess circle, we ask that these energies ground us and unite us further into oneness. Please sit with these powerful loving energies for a while as we send out our love and gratitude. Knowing there will be many Goddess circle gatherings with our soul families, we now center ourselves carrying the loving energies of unity and oneness. We hug and kiss one another. So be it and so it is! Meditation written and narrated by Laura/Sisterhood of the Rose USA-California
A Goddess Calling to Unite - GERMAN Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

A Goddess Calling to Unite - GERMAN Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

Einer Göttin Ruf, sich in Einheit zu vereinen 🌹 Bitte mache es dir bequem. Nimm drei tiefe Atemzüge. Stelle dir beim Einatmen einen Göttinnenkreis oder eine Gruppe vor, die sich zu versammeln beginnen. Visualisiere deine Umgebung. Stelle dir diese Szenen und wunderbaren Energien für einige Momente vor. Wenn wir alle sehen, die sich versammeln, lächeln wir aus tiefstem Herzen. Genieße diese Gefühle und Emotionen der Liebe und Freude für ein paar Momente. Stelle dir nun vor, ihr würdet eure Hände greifen. Eine tiefe Liebe fühlen und wissen, dass wir uns mit Mitgliedern unserer Seelenfamilien vereinen. Wir haben viele Leben auf diese Wiedervereinigungen gewartet. Wir visualisieren jetzt unsere Sternenbrüder und -schwestern, die in, auf oder über Gaia sein können. Wir erkennen ihre Anwesenheit mit tiefer Liebe und Dankbarkeit an. Wir spüren ihre Liebe und Vorfreude, wenn sie sich uns in unserem Kreis anschließen. Wir fühlen, wie sich die Energien der Göttin auf natürliche Weise ausdehnen, wenn wir uns vereinen. Wir integrieren diese liebevollen, warmen Energien, indem wir drei tiefe Atemzüge nehmen. Stelle dir eine Säule aus wunderschönem rosa Licht vor, die von der galaktischen Göttin ausgeht, Pleroma, die die Liebe und Freude der Göttin bei der Bildung unseres Göttinnenkreises signalisiert. Wir bitten darum, dass dieses rosafarbene Göttinnenlicht in unseren physischen Körper eindringt. Wir sind jetzt eins, das die liebevollen göttlichen weiblichen Energien auf Gaia verankert. Während sich unsere liebevollen Göttinnen-Energien aufbauen, senden wir sie an Gaia und alle Lebewesen. Stelle dir diese liebevollen Energien für einige Momente vor, während du drei tiefe Atemzüge nimmst. Rufe nun dein Höheres Selbst, deine ICH BIN-Präsenz, um sich mit dir zu verbinden und zu verschmelzen. Wenn wir in unseren Kreis aufgenommen werden, sind die Energien unserer jetzt kollektiven ICH BIN-Präsenzen sehr schön und stark. Wir haben diese Energien vielleicht schon lange nicht mehr gespürt oder nicht in unseren Erinnerungen. Fühle diese Emotionen, während sich diese kraftvolle liebevolle Energie in uns integriert. Wenn wir unserem Göttinnenkreis beitreten, bitten wir darum, dass diese Energien uns erden und uns weiter in Einheit vereinen. Bitte sitze eine Weile mit diesen kraftvollen liebevollen Energien, während wir unsere Liebe und Dankbarkeit aussenden. Da wir wissen, dass es viele Versammlungen des Göttinnenkreises mit unseren Seelenfamilien geben wird, zentrieren wir uns jetzt darauf, die liebevollen Energien der Einheit und des Einsseins zu tragen. Wir umarmen und küssen uns. So sei es und so ist es!
A Goddess Calling to Unite - ROMANIAN Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

A Goddess Calling to Unite - ROMANIAN Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

O Zeiță cheamă la unire - Meditație/Invocație audio ghidată în ROMÂNĂ Ancorați energiile divine feminine iubitoare pe Gaia prin această meditație/invocare al Sisterhood of the Rose (a Frăției Trandafirului) pentru a crea un cerc al Zeiței care să se unească în unitate! Pentru informații despre Sisterhood of the Rose (Frăția Trandafirului), vă rugăm să vizitați: Instrucțiuni: Vă rugăm să vă simțiți confortabil. Respitați profund de trei ori. Pe măsură ce inspirați, imaginați-vă un cerc sau un grup de Zeițe care începe să se adune. Vizualizați împrejurimile. Imaginați-vă aceste scene și energiile minunate, pentru de câteva minute. Văzându-i pe toți cei care se adună, zâmbim din adâncul inimilor noastre. Bucurați-vă de aceste sentimente și emoții de iubire și bucurie, pentru câteva momente. Acum, imaginați-vă că vă strângeți unul altuia mâinile. Simțind o iubire profundă și știind că ne unim cu membrii familiilor noastre sufletești. Am așteptat de multe vieți aceste reuniuni. Acum îi vizualizăm pe frații și surorile noastre stelare care ar fi în, pe sau deasupra Gaiei. Recunoaștem prezența lor cu profundă dragoste și recunoștință, le simțim iubirea și anticiparea lor pe măsură ce ni se alătură în cercul nostru. Simțim cum energiile Zeiței se extind în mod natural pe măsură ce ne unim. Noi integrăm aceste energii calde iubitoare prin trei respirații profunde. Vizualizați un stâlp de lumină roz frumoasă care emană de la Zeița Galactică, Pleroma semnalând iubirea și bucuria Zeiței în formarea cercului nostru de Zeițe. Cerem ca această lumină roz a Zeiței să intre în corpurile noastre fizice. Acum suntem unul care ancorăm energiile divine feminine iubitoare pe Gaia. Pe măsură ce energiile Zeiței noastre iubitoare se construiesc, le trimitem către Gaia și către toate ființele vii. Imaginați-vă aceste energii iubitoare pentru câteva momente în timp ce respirați adânc de trei ori. Acum, chemați-vă sinele superior, prezența voastră EU SUNT pentru a se alătura și a fuziona cu voi. Pe măsură ce ne alăturăm cercului nostru, energiile prezențelor noastre colective de acum, EU SUNT, sunt foarte frumoase și puternice. Este posibil să nu fi simțit aceste energii de multă vreme sau nu în amintirile noastre. Simțiți aceste emoții pe măsură ce această energie puternică iubitoare se integrează în noi. Pe măsură ce suntem alăturați în cercul nostru a Zeiței, cerem ca aceste energii să ne împământeze și să ne unească și mai mult în unitate. Vă rugăm să stați cu aceste energii puternice ale iubirii pentru o vreme, în timp ce ne trimitem dragostea și recunoștința. Știind că vor fi multe adunări ale cercului Zeiței cu familiile noastre sufletești, acum ne concentrăm purtând energiile iubitoare ale unității și unimii. Ne îmbrățișăm și ne sărutăm cu dragoste și recunoștință. Așa să fie și așa este! __________________________________________________________________ Meditație scrisă și povestită de Laura/Sisterhood of the Rose USA-California (Frăția Trandafirului USA-California)
A Goddess Calling to Unite - HUNGARIAN Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

A Goddess Calling to Unite - HUNGARIAN Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

Horgonyozzuk le Gaia-ra, a Földanyára a szeretetteljes isteni női energiákat ezzel a Rózsa Rendje invokációval/meditációval annak érdekében, hogy létrehozzunk egy Istennői kört és egyesüljünk az Egységben! A Rózsa rendjével kapcsolatos információk angol nyelven itt érhetőek el: Instrukciók: 1.Kérlek helyezd magad kényelembe. 2.Vegyél három mély levegőt. Ahogy belélegzel, képzeld el, hogy egy Istennő kör vagy csoport gyülekezni kezd. Jelenítsd meg a környezetedet. Képzeld el ezt a képet és ezeket a csodálatos energiákat néhány pillanatra. 3.Látva mindenkit, aki összegyűlt, szívünk legmélyéről mosolyogunk, együtt. Élvezd ezeket a szerető és örömteli érzéseket még néhány pillanatig. 4.Most képzeld el, hogy megfogjuk egymás kezét. Mély szeretetet érzünk, és tudjuk, hogy a Lélekcsaládunk tagjaival egyesülünk. Sok életen át vártunk ezekre az újraegyesülésekre. 5.Most megjelenítjük a Csillagtestvéreinket, akik Gaia belsejében, a felszínén, vagy Gaia felett lehetnek. Mély szeretettel és hálával ismerjük el a jelenlétüket. Érezzük szeretetüket és várakozásukat, ahogy csatlakoznak hozzánk a körünkben. 6.Érezzük, ahogy az Istennő energiái természetes módon kiterjednek ahogy egyesülünk. Majd három mély lélegzetvétel segítségével egyesítjük magunkban ezeket a meleg, szeretetteljes energiákat. 7.Jeleníts meg egy gyönyörű, rózsaszínű fényoszlopot, amely a Galaktikus Istennőből, a Pleromából árad, jelezve az Istennő szeretetét és örömét. Megkérjük ezt a rózsaszín Istennői fényt, hogy lépjen be fizikai testünkbe. Most mindannyian egyek vagyunk, lehorgonyozva a szeretetteljes isteni női energiákat Gaiára. 8.Ahogy a szerető Istennői energiáink é pülnek, úgy küldjük őket Gaia és minden élőlény felé. Képzeld el ezeket a szerető energiákat néhány pillanatra, miközben veszel három mély lélegzetet. 9.Most hívd magasabb énedet, a VAGYOK AKI VAGYOK jelenlétet, hogy csatlakozzon hozzád, és egyesüljön veled. Ahogy egyesülünk a körünkben, a kollektív VAGYOK AKI VAGYOK jelenlét energiái nagyon erőteljesek és gyönyörűek. 10.Lehet, hogy már régóta nem éreztük ezeket az energiákat, vagy nem emlékszünk rájuk. Érezd ezeket az érzelmeket, ahogyan ez az erős, szeretetteljes energia egyesül bennünk. 11.Miközben egyesülünk Istennői körünkben, kérjük ezeket az energiákat, hogy földeljenek le és egyesítsenek minket még jobban, az Egységben. 12.Kérlek, töltsd el egy kis időt ezekkel az erőteljes szeretető energiákkal, miközben szeretetünket és hálánkat küldjük a környezetünkbe. 13.Tudva, hogy sok Istennő kör összejövetel lesz lélekcsaládjainkkal, most az egység szerető energiáit hordozva összpontosítjuk magunkat. Megöleljük és megpusziljuk, megcsókoljuk egymást. Legyen így, és így is van! A meditációt írta : Laura/Sisterhood of the Rose USA-California
A Goddess Calling to Unite - SWEDISH Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

A Goddess Calling to Unite - SWEDISH Guided Audio Meditation/Invocation

En gudinna som uppmanas att förena sig i enhet 🌹 Vänligen gör dig bekväma. Ta tre djupa andetag. När du andas in, föreställ dig en gudinnecirkel eller grupp som börjar samlas. Visualisera din omgivning. Föreställ dig dessa scener och underbara energier i några ögonblick. När vi ser alla som samlas ler vi djupt i våra hjärtan. Njut av dessa känslor och känslor av kärlek och glädje i några ögonblick. Tänk dig nu att hålla varandra i händerna. Känner en djup kärlek och vet att vi förenas med medlemmar i våra själsfamiljer. Vi har väntat många liv på dessa återföreningar. Vi visualiserar nu våra stjärnbröder och systrar som kan vara i, på eller ovanför Gaia. Vi erkänner deras närvaro med djup kärlek och tacksamhet. Vi känner deras kärlek och förväntan när de går med oss i vår krets. Vi känner att gudinnans energier naturligt expanderar när vi förenas. Vi integrerar dessa kärleksfulla varma energier genom att ta tre djupa andetag. Visualisera en pelare av vackert rosa ljus som härrör från den galaktiska gudinnan, Pleroma som signalerar gudinnans kärlek och glädje i bildandet av vår gudinnecirkel. Vi ber om att det här rosa gudinnelyset ska komma in i våra fysiska kroppar. Vi är nu en förankring av de kärleksfulla gudomliga feminina energierna på Gaia. När vår kärleksfulla gudinnanergi bygger upp, skickar vi ut dem till Gaia och alla levande varelser. Föreställ dig dessa kärleksfulla energier några ögonblick medan du tar tre djupa andetag. Kalla nu ditt högre jag, din JAG ÄR närvaro för att gå med och gå samman med dig. När vi förenas i vår krets är energierna i vårt nu kollektiva JAG ÄR -närvaro mycket vackra och starka. Vi kanske inte har känt dessa energier på länge eller inte inom våra minnen. Känn dessa känslor när denna kraftfulla kärleksfulla energi integreras i oss. När vi förenas i vår gudinnecirkel ber vi att dessa energier grundar oss och förenar oss vidare till enhet. Sitt gärna med dessa kraftfulla kärleksfulla energier ett tag när vi skickar ut vår kärlek och tacksamhet. Eftersom vi vet att det kommer att finnas många gudinnecirkelsamlingar med våra själsfamiljer, centrerar vi oss nu med de kärleksfulla energierna av enhet och att vara en. Vi kramar och kysser varandra. Så må det vara och så är det!


© 2018-2024 by Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network



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